Afghan media reports say a 4-hour clash between Taliban militants and Tajik border guards took place in the night from Saturday to Sunday, May 15.  Shooting reportedly took place at the border in the area of the Panji Poyon (Tajikistan) – Sherkhan Bandar (Afghanistan) border crossing point (BCP).

Afghanistan International says the Taliban were the first to start the conflict; shooting reportedly followed a verbal altercation.

“The Taliban forces were first to shoot towards Tajikistan and then Tajik border guards attacked the crossing point,” Afghanistan International says. 

According to Afghanistan International, the sides used both light and heavy weapons in the skirmish.

After negotiations between the border authorities of the two sides the shooting stopped, but the Taliban after that sent additional forces to the border, the source was cited as saying by Afghanistan International.

Sputnik Afghanistan, citing its own sources, has also reported about this incident.   

Meanwhile, neither Tajik officials nor Taliban officials have commented on this incident.  

It is the first case of skirmish in the area of the Panji Poyon -- Sherkhan Bandar BCP after the Taliban came to power in Afghanistan in August last year.