DUSHANBE, September 28, 2011, Asia-Plus / -- A joint meeting of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade (MEDT), the Secretariat of the National Council for Development under the President of Tajikistan and the Development Partners Coordination Council took place in Dushanbe on September 27.

The MEDT press center reports the meeting focused on the process of implementation of the main strategic development documents, the Plan of Actions of the Joint Statement by the Government of Tajikistan and the Development Partners Coordination Council, as well as other steps in this direction.

Minister of Economic Development and Trade Farrukh Hamraliyev presented the results of implementation of the Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Plan of Actions of the Joint Statement as well as preparations for the next Tajikistan Development Forum.

Mr. Ari Aisen, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Resident Representative in Tajikistan Mr. Joji Tokeshi, the Asia Development Bank (ADB) Country Director for Tajikistan and representatives of other development partners pointed out achievements and implementation of the Plan of Actions of the Joint Statement in their statements, the source said.

The meeting participants also considered and determined the next steps on holding the next Tajikistan Development Forum.

The Tajikistan Development Forum provides an important opportunity to assess the implementation of the Tajikistan first Poverty Reduction Strategy and carry out an open dialogue between government representatives, development partners and the civil society on the implementation of the country’s National Development Strategy and the Poverty Reduction Strategy.  The discussions will focus on the way forward and determining the role each partner can play in contributing to the Government’s development vision. 

The Forum usually discusses a variety of issues representing importance for the Tajikistan long-term development and it serves as another step towards strengthening cooperation between Tajik Government and the development community.  The Development Forum has proven to be a valuable opportunity for an open and inclusive discussion on difficult, but critical issues for the future of Tajikistan.