Presenting the preliminary results of the population and housing census for 2020, Voris Murodov, an official with the Agency for Statistics under the President of Tajikistan, said on October 12 that Tajikistan population has amounted to 9,661,000 as of October 1, 2020.

As of October 1, 2020, urban population has reportedly amounted to 2,528,600 or 26.2 percent, and rural population has amounted to 7,133,000 or 73.8 percent.  

Murodov said that compared to the 2010 census, Tajikistan population has increased by 2,097,000 people or 27.7 percent.   

From a total number of the country’s population, the total number of men is 3,817,000 and the total number of women is 3,747,500,” Murodov said.   

According to the preliminary data, the population of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region (GBAO) is 227,200 (206,000 in 2010), Sughd province – 2,770,000 (2,233,000 in 2010), Khatlon province – 3,444,000 (2,677,000 in 2010), Dushanbe – 948,800 (724,000 in 2010), districts and cities subordinate to the center – 2,270,000 (1,722,000 in 2010).  

According to some sources, Tajikistan is projected to continue growing at a relatively quick rate for the rest of the 21st century.  According to current projections, Tajikistan’s population will reach 16.2 million by 2050 and 25.33 million by the end of the century.

Tajikistan’s population growth rate from 2019 to 2020 is 2.32%.  This added about 216,000 people to the population. Tajikistan’s fertility rate is relatively high at 3.61 births per woman.  The high fertility rate helps the population grow, despite negative net migration each year, and keeps the population young.  The median age is 22.4 years.

Current projections reportedly state that the population of the Tajikistan will be 10,528,196 in 2030, 10,254,847 in 2040, and 10,054,302 in 2050.