Ms. Nilufar Murodova, Director of the American Space Dushanbe, will deliver a statement at the annual One Young World Summit that kicked off in Belfast, Northern Ireland of the United Kingdom on October 2 and will run through October 5.

Nilufar applied for participation and was accepted as a participant “for the contribution to development of education sector.”  And a little later they invited Nilufar to be a speaker.  She will be the first in the country to deliver a statement at such an event.  

The annual One Young World Summit has reportedly convened the brightest young leaders from more than 190countries and more than 250 organizations have worked to accelerate social impact.

Delegates are participating in four transformative days of speeches, workshops and networking.  Throughout the Summit, delegates are counselled by influential political, business, and humanitarian leaders such as President Mary Robinson, Didier Drogba and Professor Muhammad Yunus.

Once the Summit is over, Delegates graduate as One Young World Ambassadors, returning to their workplaces and communities with the means and motivation to make a difference.

Since 2010, One Young World Ambassador projects have reportedly impacted the lives of over 41.56 million people.

American Spaces are partnerships between the Public Affairs sections of United States Embassies and host institutions.  They provide access to current and reliable information from and about the United States via book collections, the Internet, and through local programming to the general public overseas or abroad.

Sponsored jointly by a U.S. embassy and a host country organization, an American Space serves as an information outpost similar to a public library.  The multi-media, book and periodical collections are open and accessible. Where possible, associated reading or meeting rooms are made available to host program events and activities (i.e. author readings, speaker programs, films, workshops, meetings, and exhibits). The fundamental function of the American Space is to make information about the United States available to foreign public at large.

American Space consists of a collection of books in English from and about the United States.  The book collection may include reference titles, information products from the State Department Office of International Information Programs, works of fiction, business and government publications, English Language Learning materials.  American Spaces also provide access to U.S. information through access