A Tajik journalist, Ms. Zulfia Golubeva, journalist asked this question a few days ago after viewing the children’s atlas published by the Russian publishing house Prof-Press and discovering that there is no Tajikistan’s on the atlas’s map.  She has shared video and photo of “The World Atlas for Children” on social networks.   

The journalist's post attracted many indignant comments.  “How could they not indicate an entire country?” - netizens are indignant

And we asked ourselves: “Do we have many children's encyclopedias with similar errors on sale?” 

Asia-Plus news agency has contacted one of the most popular stores of stationery and teaching aids in Dushanbe – Kilk.  They have the abovementioned atlas for sale. 

It turned out that this atlas has been sold in the country’s bookstores for already four years and this error has not been noticed so far. 

Kilk representatives say they have already contacted the publisher, but have not yet received an official response from them.

Based in Aksai, a small city in Russia’s Rostov oblast, “Prof-Press” noted on its website that it is the largest manufacturer of printed products for children in the south of Russia.  But apparently they have problems with geography.