In a report released at a news conference in Dushanbe, Ms. Bunafsha Faiziddinzoda, Chairperson of the Committee for Family and Women’s Affairs under the Government of Tajikistan, noted on August 5 that 1,569 complaints of domestic violence have been registered in Tajikistan over the first six months of this year, which is 65 cases more than in the same period last year.  

Out of the total number of complaints, 1,291 have reportedly been related to violence against men—11 more than last year, and 278 complaints have been related to violence against women—an increase of 61 cases.

"As the statistics show, the number of complaints from men is indeed higher than from women.  However, these statistics do not reflect the true situation," Faiziddinzoda noted.

She emphasized the need to consider local mentality and traditions.  "Historically in our society, women are not inclined to bring their family problems into the public eye.  Many of them fear condemnation from relatives and close ones, societal judgment, and possible repercussions.  This fear is often the main factor preventing women from seeking help," she explained.

Additionally, women reportedly often do not seek help due to fear of the abuser.  They may fear for their own safety and the safety of their children, thus choosing to endure the situation.  Another reason is the lack of information; many women are unaware of where to seek help and what rights they have, making them more vulnerable to domestic violence.

Ms. Faiziddinzoda pointed out that, in contrast, men, when faced with pressure from their wives' relatives, typically seek help immediately.

"We understand that official statistics can be misleading and do not reflect the actual situation. The real picture of domestic violence remains hidden and often does not get officially registered," she added.

Over the first half of the year, 4,408 divorces have been registered in the country, which 962 fewer than in the same period last year.  During the reporting, over 30,400 weddings were registered—2,417 fewer than in January-June 2023.

Ms. Faiziddinzoda also mentioned that the number of minors born from dissolved marriages was 4,034, which is 1,439 fewer than in the first half of the previous year.