From January 1, 2009, the salaries of employees of establishments financed from the State Budget, self-supporting enterprises and public organizations will be increased by 10%. In addition, 10% increase is envisioned for labor pensions, pensions of the World War II veterans, state allowances and student fellowships.

As the Ashgabat correspondent of reports, Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed the relevant decree during the extraordinary XXI session of Khalk Maslakhaty of Turkmenistan, September 26.

From 2009, the amount of average wage of employees of enterprises, establishments and organizations of all forms of ownership will make up no less than Turkmen Manat (TM) 2,720 thousand, the highest amount of labor pensions – TM 2,420 thousand. The pensions of World War II veterans will rise to TM 1,980,000 – TM 2,640,000 a month. The average salary in Turkmenistan to calculate the size of new pension will be TM 3,080 thousand. The baseline amount to calculate the low-limit pension and state allowance will be TM 550,000; the amount of labor pensions and state disability pension – 1%.