KULOB, February 20, Asia-Plus - 616 cases of flu were officially registered in the Kulob region of Khatlon in January 2006, according to information from the Kulob Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision. 

The Kulob head sanitary physician Said Davlatov has told Asia-Plus that it was connected with cold weather and sudden warmer temperatures that were reported in the region last month.  In January 2005, only 184 people in the Kulob region took medical advice for flu, according to him.    

Of those, who contracted flue in January 2006, 340 are residents of Shuroobod district (in January 2005, 101 cases of flu were officially registered in Shuroobod), 151 people are residents of Danghara and 100 are residents of Muminobod.