KULOB, February 20, Asia-Plus - In connection with transfer to other job Hamro Bozorov has been relieved of his post of deputy head of the executive committee of organization of Tajikistan’s People’s Democratic Party (PDPT).

According to information from the Kulob mayor’s office, the PDPT conference held in Kulob has elected Ms. Hikoyatmo Hakimova as new deputy head of the PDPT organization’s executive committee.  

The source says that officially, the Kulob mayor is chairman of the PDPT organization form Kulob but actually, all the work is done by the deputy head of the party’s organization.

Hikoyatmo Hakimova has higher education and she also graduated from Higher Party School in Tashkent in the Soviet time.  She had previously worked in various regional organizations and her last position had been head of the Kulob registry office.  

The PDPT organization for Kulob has 1,386 members, including 39 women.