DUSHANBE , March 14, Asia-Plus - Tajikistan has reached 43 percent of a target on the spring wheat sowings as of March 13, Asia-Plus has learned from Saidmurod Bahriddinov, head of the industrial crops department within the Ministry of Agriculture.  

According to him, 61,489 hectares of lands have to date been sown with the spring wheat, while the target has been determined at 142,910 hectares.     

Mr. Bahriddinov says the northern Sughd province has reached 17.9 percent of its target and 8,097 hectares of lands have been sown there with the spring wheat so far.  “Sughd province has pledged to sow with the spring wheat 45,323 hectares of lands this year,” Mr. Bahriddinov said. 

Farmers in Khatlon province have so far sown 42,661 hectares of lands with the spring wheat, which is 74.8 percent of the target.  Their target is 57,051 hectares.   

Districts subordinate to the center (RRP) have so far sown with the spring wheat 10,731 hectares, which is some 36.3 percent of the target determined at 29,558 hectares, according to Bahriddinov.    

The industrial crops department head has also said that Tajikistan over-fulfilled its target on the winter crops sowings by 17.3 percent.  145,718 hectares of lands have been sown with the winter crops in the republic, while the target has been determined at 124,202 hectares.  

“The Sughd province, in particular, has sown with the winter crops 49,076 hectares of lands, which is 105 percent of the target, Khatlon – 67,635 hectares, which is 140.7 percent, and the districts subordinate to the center have sown with the winter crops 28,138 hectares, which is 101.7 percent of the target,” Mr. Bahriddinov said, noting that farming units in Gorno Badakhshan had reached only 53.8 percent of their target on the winter crops target.  “They have sown with the winter crops 969 hectares, while the target has been determined at 1,800 hectares,” the industrial crops department head said.