KHOROG, August 16, Asia-Plus -- Problems facing agrarian sector in Gorno Badakhshan and ways of seeking solution to them were aims of a two-day regional conference formally titled “Achievements, Problems and Prospects of the GBAO Agrarian Sector”, which ended in Khorog on August 15.  

Representatives from local authorities of the GBAO, Khatlon and districts subordinate to the center, the Mountain Societies Development Support Program (MSDSP) of the Aga Khan Foundation, heads of local farming units, as well representatives from the country’s ministries and agricultural organizations, scientists and representatives from local authorities of some districts of Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz region of Osh region took part in the conference work.  They gave papers at the conference on problems facing agrarian sector and ways of seeking solution to them in the country as a whole, and separate regions in particular.   

The GBAO governor Alimamad Niyozmamadov has noted that the main objective of the conference was in analyzing the results of work carried out in the region’s agrarian sector over the past decade and determining ways of further enhancement of this sector of the GBAO economy.  

“Over this period, 106 farming units have been set up on the basis of 58 collective and state farms that operated in the region,” said the GBAO governor, “All lands and livestock have been transferred to these farming units.”  According to him, it has allowed stopping slump in production in plant growing and stock-raising in the region already in 1998.   

“Despite some inconsiderable violations and problems in activity of farming units in terms of preservation of properties of the former state and collective farms, compared to 1990 production of agricultural output in the region has increased 128 times” Mr. Niyozmamadov noted.      

The conference participants adopted a recommendation for the relevant Tajik structures on resolving problems facing the country’s agrarian sector and enhancing it as well as launched an appeal to the president.