DUSAHNBE, August 17, Asia-Plus - In January-July 2006, the volume of production in Tajikistan’s fuel-energy complex has amounted to 175.1 million Somonis (equivalent to US$52 million), which is 2.1 percent fewer compared to the same period of 2005, according to information from the State Committee for Statistics.    

Over the first seven months of this year, Tajikistan’s hydroelectric power stations (HPS) have generated 9.79 billion kWh of electricity, which is 1.3 percent fewer compared to January-July 2005.  Generation of thermal energy has reduced by 18 percent over the same seven-month period and amounted to 201,000 gigocallories as of August 1.  

According to information from Tajik power holding “Barqi Tojik”, Tajikistan has exported 2679.8 billion kWh of electric power for a total amount of US$31.1 million in January-July 2006.  Compared to the first seven months of 2005 Tajik electricity exports have reduced by 0.8 percent or US$256,000.  Over the same seven-month period, Tajikistan has imported 3282.1 billion kWh of electric for US$47.5 million, which 1.5 times or US$16.4 million more than its electricity exports.  The main energy-trading partner has been Uzbekistan

According to figures provided by the State Committee for Statistics, Tajikistan has imported 361.6 million cubic meters of natural gas for US$19.9 million in January-July 2006.  Compared to the same period of the last year, the imported natural gas cost has risen by 21.8 percent or US$3.6 million, while the volume of the imported natural gas has reduced by 6 percent or 22.9 million cubic meters.  

Over the same seven-month period, Tajikistan has produced 12 million cubic meters of natural gas (40.9 percent fewer compared to January-July 2005) and 13,300 tons of oil (11.8 percent more compared to January-July 2005).  Tajikistan has also extracted 16,700 tons of coal over the past seven months, which is 10.6 percent more compared to the same period of 2005.