DUSHANBE, August 18, Asia-Plus  -- Central Asian project to fight AIDS funded by the World Bank and the British Government’s Department for International Development (DFID) has announced a contest among Tajik media on the best coverage of HIV/AIDS problems.   

Ms. Dilya Zohirova, Media Assistant at the World Bank Dushnabe Office, has told Asia-Plus that the contest entitled “HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care” is also being conducted in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.   According to her, journalists working with republican, region, city and district media have been invited to take part in the contest.   

“The main objective of the contest is in drawing attention of the public to a process of resolving problems connected with increase in number of cases of HIV/AIDS among the population and stimulating attention of journalists to this problem,” Ms. Zohirova noted.   

Representatives from both print and electronic media may take part in this contest. 

“Authors of the best articles taking the first three places will receive prizes in money of US$500, US$$00, and US$200 respectively, audio broadcasts – US$300, US$200, and US$100, video materials – US$800, US$600 and US$400, and electronic materials – US$200, US$100 and US$50,” Ms. Zohirova noted.  

Besides, one in TV, radio, and electronic media editorial offices will receive institutional grants in the following amounts: print media – US$1000, TV – US$1,500, radio US$500, electronic media – US$200, according to her.