DUSAHNBE, August 31, Asia-plus  -- Over the first six months of 2006, a turnover of transaction through UNIStream money transfer system in Tajikistan has amounted to over US$38 million.    

According to information from the UNIStream press service in Moscow, a turnover of the company in Tajikistan last year was at the level of US$18 million.  The source says the company expects the overall volume of money transferred through this system to triple compared to the last year’s indices.   

“Tajikistan is one of priorities of the company’s activity, and therefore a high increase in turnover is natural,” said the source, “This increase is conditioned by flow of manpower from Tajikistan to the Russian Federation and a positive dynamic of expansion of economic cooperation between the two countries.”  “We intend to actively develop Tajik corridor in future as well, expanding cooperation and signing new partnership agreements.” 

According to the source, at present more than 56 points in Tajikistan offer money transfer services.  

In July and August 2006, UNIStream signed three new partnership agreements with “AmonatBonk” (Tajik savings bank), Bank Eskhata and OryonBonk in Tajikistan.  Before that, UNIStream has already actively cooperated with AgroInvestBonk, TajPromBAnk and SohibkorBonk in Tajikistan.    

ABOUT: UNIStream is a Moscow-based business division of UNIStream Bank, offering a wide range of money transfer services to the clientele around the world.  The UNIStream money transfer system has been operating and expanding since 2001.  It was founded by the UNIStream Bank, and has grown into a network with over 22,000 agents’ outlets where UNIStream services are available, in 80 countries worldwide.  It is recognized as one of the most rapidly developing intentional money transfer networks in the CIS area.  Started in Russia, UNIStream has transformed itself into the efficient, modern network spanning across North America, Latin America, Central Africa, Australia, Eastern and Western Europe, and the CIS countries.  The company has partnership agreements with over 120 financial institutions worldwide, jointly developing a smooth, secure and robust money transfer system.