DUSHANBE, September 20, Asia-Plus - Since 2003, 62 state-owned enterprises have been realized in Tajikistan by tenders, Vaysiddin Tilloyev, the head of department for work with joint-stock companies and preparation of auctions and tenders within the State Committee for Management of State-owned Property, announced at a briefing in Dushanbe on September 20.

According to him, five of those 62 enterprises have been purchased by foreign vendors, primary Russian companies.  “For example, Russia’s Region Invest has purchased the Takob ore refinery for 320,000 somonis,” he said.  

“Many claim that prices of facilities put on auctions are low and this causes many disputes, but it is to be noted that when assessing the facilities they take into consideration their present state,” noted he, “Many of these facilities have become obsolete, and their equipment has not been replaced since they were established.”  

            According to Tilloyev, if the facility was not sold at the first tender, the second tender will be announced and the facility’s price will be lowered by 50 percent.  “If the enterprise is not sold at the second and the third tenders, the fourth tender will be announced and it will stat with the price equal to guarantee fee vendors should pay to participate in tender – an amount equivalent to US$1,000 under the current exchange rate fixed by the National Bank of Tajikistan for the day of tender,” Tilloyev said.   

According to the committee, coal-mining enterprise Angisht has not be sold at the second tender as well.  The second tender for Angisht was held on August 25 and they stated price of little more than 5 million somonis.