MOSCOW, September 20, Asia-Plus -- The committee of chiefs of security and law enforcement agencies will be held at the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), the CSTO secretary general Valery Semerikov remarked at opening of training for representatives from CSTO member nations in Moscow on September 19.

 According to him, the committee will include chiefs of intelligence services and border troops.  “The main purpose of the new institution within CSTO will be to fight terrorism and drug trafficking, countering illegal migration, and respond to natural and man-made disasters,” Semerikov said, adding that at present member nations of the Organizations are discussing provisions on the establishment of that committee.  

Representatives from media of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan are taking part in the training in Moscow.  Participants in this five-day training conducted at the base of Russia’s Institute for Raising Professionalism of Officers of the Interior Ministry are learning how to cover issues related to the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and illegal migration.  

The institute hosting the training has centers for training of specialists in fighting drug trafficking, terrorism, and drug trafficking.  Besides, the institute also trains participants of peacekeeping missions.  At the last CSTO summit in Minsk it was decided to give an international status to this institute.  Next year, 150 law enforcement officers from the CSTO member nations will take specialized training course in this institute.