DUSAHNBE, September 26, Asia-Plus - The Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan (IRPT) has decided to no participate in presidential election scheduled for November 6.

The party’ congress that was held in Dushanbe yesterday made a decision to not put forward candidate for president.   

According to the party’s managing board, the IRPT chairman Muhiddin Kabiri called on the party members to freely participate in the voting process and vote as they think best.  

Thus, of eight political parties officially registered in Tajikistan, three have not put forward candidates. 

On September 24, the Social Democratic (SDPT) and Democratic (DPT) parties both announced that they will not field candidates, condemning changes to the constitution that allow incumbent President Emomali Rahmonov to seek further terms in office and calling the upcoming polls “illegal.”  

To date, five candidates have been nominated for president: Olimjon Boboyev  (Party of Economic Reforms); Abduhalim Ghafforov (Socialist Party); Amirqul Qaraqulov (Agrarian Party); Emomali Rahmonov (People’s Democratic Party); and Ismoil Talbakov (Communist Party). 

Candidacy of Emomali Rahmonov was also supported by Tajik Youths’ League.