DUSHANBE, October 2, Asia-Plus -- The third session of the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament) opened on October 2.

Under Tajikistan’s Constitution the regular Session of the Majlisi Namoyandagon shall be conducted once a year, from the first working day in October to the last working day in June.

Under the Reglament of its activity deputies of the Majlisi Namoyandagon today created their coordination and working bodies, as well as determined a procedure of coverage of its work by media and solved other procedural issues.   

Last week, the Majlisi Namoyandagon board (Shuro) held two meetings to discuss a number of bills and parliamentary resolutions.  Some of these issues have been tabled to the agenda of the today’s sitting of the third session of the Majlisi Namoyandagon.  

The session considered and endorsed a package of documents related to labor migration and a simplified procedure of taking citizenship.  

Firs Deputy Labor Minister, Sumangul Taghoyeva, telling the session noted that according to data of the Tajik border’s service, 412,123 Tajik nationals left the country for Russia and other CIS states last year in search of seasonal work.  “According to Russia sources, 496,400 Tajik citizens have arrived in Russia this year,” Taghoyeva said.  

“However, only 1,095 Tajik nationals left for Russia and other CIS states for seasonal work last year officially,” she noted.   

The session also endorsed a decision on Tajikistan’s joining the Eurasian Economic Community (EAEC) treaty on legal status of citizens of one member nation of the EAEC permanently living in the territory of another member nation of the Community and the treaty between Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia on simplified procedure of taking citizenship.