DUSHANBE, October 13, Asia-Plus - Three of 33 cotton-growing districts in Tajikistan have over-fulfilled their annual target by October 13 and continuing to gather cotton in addition to their obligations , according to the Ministry of Agriculture.  

A source in a MoA said that among them are Hissor and Vahdat district in central Tajikistan and Ayni district in Sughd.

Cotton growers in Hissor have yielded 11,000 tons of cotton determined by their target and gathered 77 tons in addition to their obligation.  

The Vahdat district has yielded 6,347 tons of cotton to this day, which is over 10 percent of the target.  

Cotton farmers in Ayni have over-fulfilled their annual target determined at 500 tons by 7 percent.  They have gathered 506 tons of cotton by October 13.  

The source added that three other cotton-growing district in the country are also nearing the completion of their targets: Rudaki with 95.4 percent of the target determined at 6,700 tons; Bokhtar (951% of the target determined at 28,800 tons) and Kulob (94.1 percent of the target determined at 9,700 tons).  

In all, the republic has yielded 364,890 tons of cotton by October 13, which comprises 66.7 percent of this year''s target.  This year’s national target has been determined at 547,000 tons of cotton.

District subordinate to the center (RRP) have gathered 43,672 tons of cotton, which is 93.5 percent of the target.  They have pledged to produce 46,700 tons of cotton this year. 

Cotton farmers in Khatlon have yielded 215,435 tons of cotton by October 13, which is 66.7 percent of the target.  Their target is 329,000 tons of raw cotton.

The northern province of Sughd has pledged to gather 171,300 tons of cotton this year.  Cotton growers in Sughd have gathered 105,783 tons of cotton so far, which is 61.8 percent of the target.