DUSHANBE, March 12, Asia-Plus  - 10 medical facilities will have been rehabilitated and delivered under the “turnkey” concept to their proprietors in the Khatlon province by the Navrouz holiday (March 21-22), Nargis Qosimova, public relations coordinator, Health Projects Implementation Unit, said in an interview with Asia-Plus. 

According to her, the Community and Basic Health Project has supported construction and repairing work in four rural health centers (RHCs) and six health houses (HHs) in Sarband, Qubodiyon and Norak.    

She added rehabilitation of seven medical facilities in Sughd’s Asht district is also nearing completion.  

Rehabilitation of medical facilities in Khatlon and Sughd is part of the project for helping renew the primary health care infrastructure in Sughd and Khatlon provinces and support complementary measures to improve service delivery and outreach.        

The Community and Basic Health Project for Tajikistan project aims to increase access to, utilization of, and patient satisfaction with health services in project-supported areas, and to build capacity and efficiency at national   levels in administering a basic package of health benefits and introducing financing reforms in primary health care.