DUSHANBE, March 13, Asia-Plus – Governor General of Khorasan Razavi Mohammad-Javad Mohammadzadeh and Tajik Health Minister Nusratullo Salimov have called for expansion of ties between the two sides.

At a meeting in Mashhad on Wednesday, Mohammadzaded described the bilateral relations as growing, calling for expansion of ties in all fields, IRNA reported today.

"Khorasan Razavi has held different exhibitions in Tajikistan so far," he said, voicing the province readiness for holding more exhibitions in his neighboring country.

Mohammadzaded noted that different products including poultry, eggs, construction materials and so on have been exported to Tajikistan via Mashhad.

He said Iranian export products have high quality compared to the products exported from other countries.

Referring to establishment of an Iranian trade center in Tajikistan, he said that so far some house building plans and agricultural activities have been implemented or are under implementation by the Iranian residents in Tajikistan.

He also expressed the province readiness for establishing a cement factory in Tajikistan.

Referring to the burning of Avicena University in a fire, Tajik minister called for the Islamic Republic assistance for rebuilding the university.

"Some 6,000 Tajik and 500 foreign students were studying in the university before the fire," Salomov said.