A group of Russian entrepreneurs has visited the Tajik northern province of Sughd to get acquainted with its economic capacities and establish trade and economic collaboration, according to the Sughd regional administration.

An official sources within the Sughd regional administration says the delegation members included the member of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation Bobojon Sharifov and heads of a number of Russian industrial companies, including Sharif Abdulloyev, Alim Dolayev, Vladimir Markin, Yuri Komarovsky and Valery Klupov.  

Russian entrepreneurs have reportedly been received by Sughd governor Rajabboy Ahmadzoda, who briefed them on the state of industry and agriculture in the area and Sughd’s investment capacity.  

It was noted that 1,100 large and small enterprises now operate in northern Tajikistan. 

In 2024, Sughd province reportedly  produced a total of almost 26.052 billion somonis worth of industrial goods.   

194.2 million US dollars were invested in Sughd’s economy last year.  Sughd governor reportedly noted that the share of foreign investment last year amounted to 124.2 million US dollars.

Ahmadzoda also noted that representatives of Sughd’s business community have already established a mutually beneficial cooperation with their Russian counterparts and participated in the implementation of a number of joint projects to date. 

Russian entrepreneurs, for their part, reportedly expressed  readiness to expand economic ties with their counterparts in Sughd province.