Tajikistan and China have agreed to establish cooperation to launch mining activities at brown coal deposit Shurab in the Tajik northern province of Sughd. 

The press center of the Ministry of economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan (MoEDT) says Talant LLC and China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co signed an agreement on establishing investment cooperation to launch mining activities at the brown coal deposit Shurab on May21 on the sidelines of a meeting of Tajik Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqi Zavqizoda with senior representatives of China Pingmei Shenma Holding Group Co.

The brown coal deposit Shurab with coals of black color that have calorific value of 4000 kcal / kg is the second in terms of coal reserves following the coal deposit fab-Yaghnob, where the calorific value of coal is 7936-8463 kcal / kg.

According to the latest geological data, there are over 36 deposits and occurrences of coal in

Tajikistan, which represent all sorts of this solid fossil fuel: from lignite to hard coal, including coking coal and anthracite.  Ultimate reserves of these deposits and occurrences exceed 4.3 billion tons.

The coal deposits of Tajikistan have been studied unevenly and to quite low extent.

 Coal deposits of Tajikistan are concentrated in two coal basins: Tajik (Gissar-Darvaz) and Fergana.  The first of them covers the absolute majority of deposits and occurrences concentrated in Central and Southern Tajikistan.  Deposits and occurrences of northern Tajikistan belong to the South Fergana coal basin.