DUSHANBE, July 6, 2009, Asia-Plus -- Cases of electric current affection increased lately because of violation of safety measures during work with electrical appliances and equipment.

Three persons, including two teenagers, were killed by electric current last weekends, according to the Ministry of Interior (MoI).

“On July 4, the 10th grade pupil at school # 35 in Khatlon’s Farkhor district died on July 4 after he stepped on bare wire,” said the source at a MoI, “On July 5, the 25-year-old resident of Khatlon’s Nosir Khusrav district Shamsiddin Pirov was killed by electric current while trying to connect charger to power transmission line.  The same day, the 16-year-old Suhrob Murodov from Khatlon’s Vose district was also killed by electric current.”