KULOB. May 26. “Asia-Plus” -- So called “luck hunters” reported caught at Kulob central stadium which hosts temporary emergency camp from where victims of natural disaster are being removed to places of their future residence.

Several suspicious persons who were planning to get new houses, which are planned to be built for disaster affected victims, reported caught in emergency camp after two weeks of unauthorized used of emergency tents and meal, a high-ranking emergency official told the AP.

“On May 25 at least 25 people have voluntarily handed tents and removed to places of their residence,” the source has said, adding that all of them were provided with humanitarian assistance. Upon their leave they decided to take humanitarian assistance with them.

According to the source, in the first days after the disaster local authorities decided to provide tents and humanitarian assistance for all who came to the emergency camp. This was the time when it was impossible to check documents and information.

Meanwhile, according to law enforcement authorities, even non-residents of Khatlon district were found among the revealed swindlers.