DUSHANBE, August 12, Asia-Plus - The helicopter with saving group onboard for search and transportation of the Ukrainian climbers who have got to a trouble in the Pamir mountains, has flown out this morning. The press secretary of Committee on Emergency Situations and civil defense Dustmurod Zabirov has informed «AP».

As you were before informed two Ukrainian climbers, Alexander Vashchenko and Alexey Nikonenko, have been "trapped" without communication in the ravine Devlohar, on Pamir, at height of 4600 meters. The instructor of climbers, the master of sports of Ukraine Oleg Monsar got away from the Southern Devlohar pass in July 30. When he fell off, satellite phone and and climbing tackles have fallen after him. The rest of group was engaged in search of the head, but it was unsuccessfully.

According to Committee on youth affairs, sports and tourism at the Government of Tajikistan, the group of the Ukrainian climbers has arrived to Tajikistan on July, 21. This group intended to reach camp "Climbers" on a glacier platform Poljana-Maskvin and then therefrom make an ascension on mountain peaks.

At this moment in mountain regions of the country, mainly on Pamir, there are more than 1 thousand foreign climbers.