DUSHANBE, May 10, 2011, Asia-Plus  -- Heavy rainfalls that have hit Tajikistan in recent days have caused a number of fatal mudslides in various regions of the country.

The last fatal mudslide was reported in Nourobod district, Rasht Valley on April 7.

According to the Committee for Emergency Situations (CES), two brothers – Umedjon, 24, and Shohramazaon, 6 – went to mountains for rhubarbs on Saturday.  “They lost sight of each other because of tight fog,” said the source, “The elder brother later managed to return home, while the body of his six-year-old brother was found under the mudslide on May 8.”

We will recall that torrential rain on May 5 caused two fatal mudslides in Khatlon and Sughd provinces.  Two brothers – Fazliddin, 18, and Fakhriddin, 16 - were killed by a mudslide that hit the village of Maydapata in Farkhor district, Khatlon province.  The mudslide that hit the village of Shingak in Sughd’s Panjakent district killed 16-year-old Gulsira Khojayeva.