DUSHANBE, February 27, 2014, Asia-Plus – An organized crime group consisting of 50 Tajiks has been broken up in Moscow recently, Moskovskij Komsomolets reports, referring to the Moscow police chief Anatoly Yakunin.

Yakunin reportedly noted that 377 crimes committed by ethnic organized crime groups were solved in Moscow last year.

“In all, 54,000 crimes were solved by police last year, which is 15 percent more than in 2012.  Nearly half of those crimes were committed by citizens of other countries.  Thus, residents of the near abroad committed 66 murders and murder attempts, 86 rapes, 957 robberies and so forth,” Moscow police chief was quoted as saying.  

Moskovskij Komsomolets is a Moscow-based daily newspaper with a circulation approaching one million, covering general news.  Founded in 1919, it is now regarded as publishing sensational or provocative items on Russian politics and society.