DUSHANBE, December 6, 2011, Asia-Plus  -- UN Women in Tajikistan jointly with the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Tajikistan presented the global report, Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice 2011 , in Dushanbe on December 5.  

Progress of the World’s Women is UN Women’s biennial investigation of progress made towards a world where women live free from violence, poverty and inequality. Provocative and insightful, this series is the product of multi-year processes that bring together leading practitioners and academics to undertake thorough research and in-depth analyses.

Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice , the latest in the series, focuses on women’s access to justice and offers fresh perspectives and approaches to ensuring women globally can access justice whether in the home, the workplace or in public life.

Tajik Ombudsman Zarif Alizoda noted that over the past two years, the Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Tajikistan has received 181applictions from women concerning their right to decent living conditions, right to choose profession, right to education and freedom of torture.  “Many applications (33) concerned the right to a fair trial and a fair investigation,” Alizoda said.

According to him, a special attention is now paid to the problems of female labor migration and access of female migrant workers to justice.

According to the statistical data from Tajikistan’s Migration Service, 708,295 Tajik citizens, including 77,771 women, have migrated to Russia over the first eleven months of this year and 528,723 Tajik labor migrants, including 62,591 women, have returned to Tajikistan from the Russian Federation over the report period.