In the last month the number of Facebook users in Tajikistan has reduced by 2000 people. Currently 32.280 people use Facebook in Tajikistan as compared to 34.640 people registered in the country on March 13 this year.

According to, 32.280 Tajik users of Facebook make 0.43% of the total population of the country or 4.61% of the total number of Tajik internet users.

Currently, Tajikistan ranked 171st in terms of the number of Facebook users, while recently it was ranked 170th.

70% of Tajik Facebook users are men. Furthermore, 37% of Tajik users are young people at the age from 18 to 24. 32% - from 25 to 34 years, 13% from 35 to 44, 6% from 45 to 54 and only 1% of users are from 55 to 64 years of age.

On March 3rd this year Tajik internet providers have blocked access to some websites, including Facebook. Websites were blocked in accordance with the official request by the Tajik Government’s Communication Service.

Providers have blocked access to such web resources as,,

One week later, on March 9th, access to Facebook in Tajikistan was resumed on the basis of the official request by the Communication Service. The request concerned Facebook only, while other resources remain blocked.

Meanwhile, 10 days later after Facebook was unblocked, the number of users of this network in Tajikistan had increased by 5000 people. On average 500 Tajik users were registering accounts in Facebook every day.