Today, June 6, Russia celebrates Pushkin’s birthday and Russian language day. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, the founder of Russian literary language, was born in Moscow in 1799.

Pushkin’s birthday is celebrated in Russia every year. In 1997 Russian President signed the decree “On 200th anniversary of A.S.Pushkin and Pushkin Day in Russia” giving the day the official status. In 2011 Russian President signed the decree on annual celebration of Russian language day, which is celebrated on June 6.

According to the document, the move seeks “to preserve, support and develop Russian language as a national heritage of the Russian Federation, mean of international communication and integral part of spiritual and cultural heritage of the global civilization.”

Day of Russian language is also celebrated by the United Nations. Decision to celebrate Russian language day was made by the UN Public Information Department on the eve of the International mother language day which is celebrated on February 21 and was initiated by UNESCO.

Therefore, Tajikistan will celebrate the Russian language and Pushkin’s birthday today. Russian Embassy, Russian Cooperation Agency Office in Tajikistan, Russian Ministry of Culture and Tajik Ministry of Culture will organize a “Russia-Pushkin” concert of the people’s artist of Russia, artist of the Moscow State Philharmonic Society Rafael Kleiner. The event will take place at 17:00 in the Mayakovsky Russian State Theater of Drama in Dushanbe.