KULOB, January 4, Asia-Plus - Primary organizations of the People’s Democratic Party of Tajikistan (PDPT) for Vose, Baljuvon and Temurmalik districts have held a meeting in Vose to nominate the party candidate to run in new parliamentary elections in the Vose constituency.  

We will recall that powers of deputy of the Majlisi Namoyandagon (Tajikistan’s lower chamber of parliament), who was elected to parliament from the Vose constituency, terminated ahead of schedule in connection with appointment of him as head of the Khatlon province.

Sherali Zohirov, head of the electoral commission, said that the nomination results will be known already today.  According to him, the electoral commission at the Vose constituency consists of nine members, including four representatives from the PDPT, four from the Communist Party and one non-party.   

“Other parties have not yet nominated their candidates,” Zohirov said, noting that the deadline for nomination of candidates is January 7.