The Global Textile and Clothing Program (GTEX), funded by the Government of Switzerland, have completed a series of e-commerce webinars to pave the way of the Tajik clothing industry into the global and regional online markets and support the digital revolution for the local producers, according to the International Trade Center (ITC) Office in Tajikistan.

The webinars in March 2022 reportedly introduced the learners with the regional fashion marketplaces, e-commerce projects and importance of the online presence, as well as use of social media for promotions and sales.

The ITC expert Tamari Miminoshvili explained how marketplaces have become an important platform for small and medium-sized businesses to promote their brand and increase sales efficiently.  She also shared know-hows that can beneficiate Tajik clothing companies aiming to boost their sales online.

Ms. Miminoshvili says that this opportunity can support Tajik companies to join digital global trends and benefit from them. ”We introduced the clothing businesses with established and popular platforms that allow them an official presence in the virtual world, as well as the opportunity to offer their products and services online comparatively easier and faster. Our aim is to help local businesses go online”.

Participants reportedly also learnt to build a professional online store featuring modern client-attracting techniques and develop creative content.  They learnt to build a direct-to-consumer online projects, e-commerce team structure, and operational issues, like logistics, warehousing and order preparation.

TojTex Managing Director Abdurashid Abduhamidov says, “We are excited to apply what we have learned from this initiative to take our business online and to enter new markets.  Today we understand better how we can use online platforms as a fast, inexpensive and effective tool to help us to reach consumers worldwide.  Our company will take advantage of this”.

In the age of digital commerce, the International Trade Center supports Tajik clothing companies to offer clients the best digital experience when they look for information or products to buy online.

The ITC’s Global Textiles and Clothing Program (GTEX) is a four-year program funded by the Government of Switzerland.  The GTEX program provides support to Textile and Clothing (T&C) companies in Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan) and the Middle East and North Africa (Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia).  The program’s goal is to promote T&C exports and to stimulate employment and income generation along the value chain.