DUSHANBE, February 16, 2012, Asia-Plus  -- Ms. Larisa Kislyakova, deputy chairperson of Tajikistan’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), recently met here with  Mr. Josef Aff, manager of the project for development and introduction of sustainable structures for promoting entrepreneurial spirit in Tajikistan, the European Commission Tempus program.

The CCI press center reports the two discussed issues related to implementation of the project in Tajikistan.

Mr. Aff reportedly noted that special curriculums had been developed for 60 high schools and two pilot higher educational institutions (Tajik Teachers’ Training University and Russian-Tajik Slavic University) in Tajikistan.  The universities will train teachers for teaching basics of economics and entrepreneurship to senior students at high schools.

Tempus is the European Union’s program, which supports the modernization of higher education and creates an area of cooperation in countries surrounding the EU.  Established in 1990, the scheme now covers 27 countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

Tempus funds two types of actions: joint Projects (partnerships between higher education institutions in the EU and partner countries; they can develop, modernize and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, as well as boosting quality assurance and management of higher education institutions);  and structural Measures (to develop and reform higher education institutions and systems in partner countries; to enhance their quality and relevance, and to increase convergence with EU developments).

Partnerships are made up of consortia of organisations including higher education institutions, businesses, ministries, NGOs, and other organisations working in higher education, in both EU and partner countries.